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  • Freedom Funding and Accountability in Education Workshop
    “Who says?!” was a main theme of our workshop on the last weekend of April this year. Twenty-four of us gathered in Hudson, New York, to explore burning issues facing education today. We counted nine other major events happening on the same day, perhaps underscoring the recognition in those who came of the importance of ...
  • Preparing for Life – Waldorf School of the Peninsula
    “Preparing for Life” takes viewers inside the Waldorf School of the Peninsula where the focus is on developing the capacities for creativity, resilience, innovative thinking, and social and emotional intelligence over rote learning. Entrepreneurs, Stanford researchers, investment bankers, and parents who run some of the largest hi-tech companies in the world, weigh-in on what children ...

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Roberto TrostliOn Earth as It Is in Heaven The Tasks of the College of Teachers in Light of the Founding Impulse of Waldorf Education196.4 KiB
Wanda Ribeiro and Juan Pablo de Jesus Pereira Seven “Myths” About the Social Participation of Waldorf Graduates 750.3 KiB
Robert C OelhafA Case for Waldorf Education One Waldorf science and math teacher's study of research supporting Waldorf Education.52.7 KiB
Martin NovomResearch on Parent Volunteerism 416.8 KiB
David Mitchell, Douglas Gerwin, Ernst Schuberth, Michael Mancini, and Hansjörg HofrichterAssessment Without High-Stakes Testing Protecting Childhood and the Purpose of School149.2 KiB
David MitchellAWSNA Timeline 1965-2010 2.4 MiB
Patrice MaynardFreedom Funding and Accountability in Education Workshop One of the objectives of Freedom Funding and Accountability in Education Workshop is to build up a body of informed ideas to share with the world so that thinking can be realigned based on facts and observation rather than on political and economically manipulated information.526.1 KiB
Michaela Glöckler, M.D.How Does the Middle School Meet Puberty? 23.8 KiB
Sam GlazeAWSNA SURVEY ON TECHNOLOGY IN WALDORF SCHOOLS JUNE 2013-2 AWSNA-affiliated schools were asked to fill out the questionnaire online. In April and May, 2013, 100 schools did so. The following report reflects the input obtained from the schools.4.5 MiB
Douglas Gerwin and David MitchellStanding Out without Standing Alone Profile of Waldorf School Graduates295.2 KiB
Douglas Gerwin and David MitchellPhase II Powerpoint Presentation Standing Out without Standing Alone: Profile of Waldorf School Graduates5.6 MiB
Douglas Gerwin and David MitchellResearch on Waldorf Graduates in North America: Phase II Abstract Research Institute for Waldorf Education110.8 KiB
Douglas Gerwin and David MitchellStanding Out without Standing Alone: Profile of Waldorf School Graduates Research on Waldorf Graduates in North America: Phase II Abstract444.7 KiB
Virginia Flynn, Scott Olmstead, and James PewthererYoung Schools  Guide A Working Guide for the Development of Healthy Waldorf Schools461.7 KiB
Bo DahlinA Summary of the Swedish Waldorf School Evaluation Project 123.7 KiB
Dee Joy Coulter, Ed.D.Montessori and Steiner A Pattern of Reverse Symmetries46.1 KiB
Heiner Barz and Dirk RandollAlumni of German and Swiss Waldorf Schools An Empiric Study On Education And Creative Living133.8 KiB
Faith Baldwin, Douglas Gerwin, and David MitchellResearch on Waldorf Graduates in North America: Phase I Research Institute for Waldorf Education1.5 MiB
Arthur AuerHand Movements Sculpt Intelligence An excerpt from Learning About the World Through Modeling Sculptural Ideas for School and Home31.3 KiB
Joan AlmonChanges Observed in Kindergarten Children 28.2 KiB
Waldorf ResearchAlternative Assessment in Waldorf Schools EXECUTIVE SUMMARY How Waldorf teachers set educational goals, benchmarks toward achieving those goals, and how they assess the accomplishment of benchmarks and goals for individual students and whole classes of students.66.5 KiB