Navigating Independent Waldorf Education Through the Turbulent Currents of Financial Uncertainty and Government Regulations

Patrice Maynard, M.Ed., Director of Publications and Development for the Research Institute for Waldorf Education (RIWE) was a leader in AWSNA for nine years, a Waldorf class teacher and music teacher for thirteen years and helped in founding the Merriconeag Waldorf School in Maine.

Gary Lamb, Director of the Hawthorne Valley Center for Social Research, has worked in Waldorf schools as a teacher and administrator, and is the author of the Social Mission of Waldorf Education and Wellsprings of the Spirit published by AWSNA Publications.
A Workshop Led by Patrice Maynard and Gary Lamb
Presentations with small group and plenum conversations
This workshop will begin with two imaginations of education:
Education Towards Freedom
Education Toward Success in Global Markets
We will consider educational freedom from the perspective of a threefold social organism and the challenges facing independent education today. We will take a phenomenological approach in describing an education that is truly human, and providing a historical context for national education goals, common core learning standards, and high stakes standardized testing.
How can we strengthen the spiritual core of Waldorf education and its social mission to be financially accessible to all, and to be a part of a movement for educational freedom?
What are the implications of charter schools, school choice, and education voucher and tax credit programs for independent schools and local public schools?
How can we develop a collaborative community of teachers, administrators, and parents who recognize the importance of freedom in education, which transcends all types of schools?
Is it possible to de-politicize education?
Saturday, April 26, 2014 9:00 am – 5:30 pm at Solaris Center for the Social Arts 360 Warren Street, Hudson, NY. Suggested workshop fee range: $40 – $80. Light lunch and snacks will be provided.
For more information and updates, visit or phone 518-672-4465 x 223.