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PageLines- 800px-Trier-germany-waldorfschule.jpgTwo major developments this year marked the expanded organization and scope of the Research Institute for Waldorf Education (RIWE):

  1. The Research Institute is taking on AWSNA Publications as of August 1st. Patrice Maynard, who for the past nine years served as AWSNA’s Leader of Outreach and Development, has been appointed to a new position at the Research Institute of Director of Publications and Development. The Institute has created a new publications committee to assist Patrice with her responsibilities of selecting and publishing new titles as well as managing the existing inventory. Daily operations concerning publications, including online sales, will continue to be managed out of Patrice’s office in Chatham, NY, while administrative tasks will be handled as before by the Research Institute’s headquarters in Wilton, NH. Patrice takes over many of the tasks previously held by David Mitchell, who as founding Chair of AWSNA Publications pioneered the production of Waldorf books, pamphlets, flyers, and science teaching kits for nearly three decades.
  2. Until his death last summer, David was also Co-Director of the Research Institute. In light of its expanding activities and organization, the trustees of the Research Institute have appointed Douglas Gerwin, who previous shared the leadership of the Institute with David, to a new position of Executive Director.
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